Project Management
When we are engaged by a client at planning stage, we can work with them in developing a brief that accurately summarises their vision for their project. We will work to appoint the right team to deliver it, and co-ordinate the tender/negotiation of the building contract.
Some clients are happy to deal with the initial planning and design stage themselves, but like some expert advice when they sign a contract with a contractor. We provide the client and the team with a single point of contact during the project to co-ordinate all of the information required to deliver a complex product to the standard required.
We have a team of contractors and tradesmen available to work directly for our client, under our careful management. This has the added benefit of financial transparency and hands on control of trades, craftspeople and suppliers. This is particularly useful where a projects scope and design is not clear from the beginning, such as conservation and renovation work, or projects where there is not enough time to design everything before the construction begins.
Cost Control
As a chartered surveyor, I provide detailed and transparent cost control for a client during the planning and construction of the project. The benefit to our clients is that they and the contractor have full sight of committed costs at each stage of the project.
We are happy to provide a pre-purchase condition survey. Although this is carried out without any opening up of existing buildings, it does provide useful insights into what you are purchasing and the potential costs/problems facing you post-purchase.
Construction Advice
Many clients are unsure of the current requirements and options available to them when taking on a project. Having worked in the industry for over 30 years, I guide clients through the process and evaluate their options prior to starting their project or purchasing a property.
I have also been asked to mediate on disputes between clients and their team, providing a resolution before any issues escalate and navigate a way out of a dispute before it goes to formal resolution or mediation procedures.
Our Accreditations